How do you use blue lotus essential oil?

Ways of using blue lotus essential oil

Blue Lotus is unoriginal from a flower that is thought to have originated along the Nile and other areas of East Africa. This herb happened to be recognized as well as used by the earliest Mayan and Egyptian cultures. The Blue Lotus flower used to beoftenportrayed in Egyptian drawing as it happened to be believed to be the home of Ra, the Sun God. In its usual habitat, the lily will shut at night and vulnerable in the morning. Thus it happened to be believed Ra would make a reappearance to the lily at the time of the night. Blue Lotus happens to be also known as a sign of the Buddhist faith and has been used in Eastern medicine for 100 years. Here you will get to know how you use blue lotus essential oil.

Advantages and uses reported

Known as the most hypnotic of the lotuses, the blue water lily continues to be a treasured ethereal, spiritual stimulant to this day. Essential Oil Wizardry happens to be a delightful meditation aid, opening the / chakras / (especially the third eye) and dispelling negative thoughts and emotions, helping one on their spiritual path.

Along with helping decrease minor inflammation and pain, it happens to be an excellent choice for supporting overall skin health and helping with wound management and scar healing. Blue Lotus Absolute happens to be widely used in bath oils, perfumes, potpourri, shower gels, anointing mixes, hair treatments, facial steam treatment and masks, deodorants, incense, scented candles, and various kinds of aromatic products. When used at the time of massage, the dynamic alkaloids of this magnificent total absorb by the skin, meaning both the receiver and giver of the massage will be able to experience psychoactive effects.

The two main active substances of blue lotus responsible for the various effects of the flower are the alkaloids nuciferine and aporphine.

Lucifer, which is also found in the sacred lotus (Nelumbo Nucifera), is believed to inhibit dopamine receptors.

Morphine is thought to work as a dopamine agonist which activates dopamine receptors, which in effect has the opposite effect to that of nuciferine. It is the compound of the blue lotus that stimulates a feeling of joy, intoxication and euphoria.


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