White Sage Essential Oil


Essential oil, as they are named, are fragrant oil, which are extracted from botanical extracts. The name “essential” oil comes from the essence that they emanate.

There are gazillions of essential oils, which have been used since olden times for a range of benefits. Only a few essential oils are discovered till now and many remain hidden at the other side of our knowledge.

What is White Sage Essential Oil?

White sage essential oil is one among the essential oils that have already been discovered and is therefore used for a range of benefits.

This White Sage Essential Oil is extracted from the aromatic shrub Salvia apiana, which is commonly found in the South-western United States. Being native to the Americans, it is documented that the natives of the country hailed it as a powerful plant that repels negativity and had been infused with emotional, spiritual and energetic applications.

What is White sage essential oil used for?

The essential oil that goes by the name “white sage” are commonly used in smudge sticks and the growing usage of the oil in smudge sticks can be attributed to the rapid rise in the demand of the oil. Furthermore, white sage essential oil is becoming scarce for this reason and is even illegally cultivated in many different parts of the world.

The white sage essential oil is commonly prepared by steam distillation of the leaves of the plant, Salvia apiana. The aroma of the white sage essential oil can be described as cineolic, herb-like or camphorous.

White sage oil is also used in an array of different treatments for the bundle of utility it has. Here are some prominent uses of white sage essential oil:

White sage essential oil is popularly used as an antidepressant and it has already proved useful for rats.

White sage oil is antimicrobic, which means that the oil repels any microorganisms to infected sites or otherwise. It is particularly effective against E. coli, Salmonella typho and Bacillus subtilis.

Another predominant use of white sage is that of supporting memory. The oil is a great addition, which enhances memory and cognition. The antioxidants and the anti-inflammatory properties attributed to white sage oil also helps it restrict further progression of dementia in patients.










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