Simple Essential Oil Remedies To Make Life Easier

Essential oil has been there since the medieval period in the beauty world. The effects of essential oil cannot be denied. If you know how to use essential oil in combination with the right ingredients in the right ratio, you can expect to get amazing results within a fortnight.
Essential oils can rectify almost any skincare problems and even sanitary issues. This small article shall explore some of these essential oil remedies.


Do you have rats coming into your kitchen? Are ants infringing upon your private space? Then all you need to do is diffuse a bit of peppermint with cotton bolls, then stuff them at the places where the rats come in from. You can also use peppermint to clean the ant trails and be rest assured that neither ants nor rats would ever bother you again.

Sore throat

Do you have a sore throat? You can try having peppermint tea where you put a table spoon of honey, a cup of hot water and some peppermint drops. This will clear and soothe your throat and take the soreness away. 

If you have a fever then you must add two drops of peppermint essential oil in a cup of cold water and then use it to wash your face. You may also try washing your face with a sponge dipped in the mixture. Your fever will come down soon. 


Are you someone who easily gets sunburnt and tanned? You can apply lavender, honey, acacia, aloe vera essential oils to rectify the damages done. Mix the essential oils in a bowl of water and dip a cloth in it. Wipe the cloth all over the affected areas and you will soon start to see a difference.
In case you suffer from high blood pressure then you may consider avoiding peppermint and using lavender essential oils. Lavender can also help in bringing your blood pressure down. 

Lemon based remedies:

You can add lemon to the water with which you clean your home so that it turns into a complete disinfectant. Lemon essential oils do not have any harmful side effects. If you are someone who easily gets sick from touching door handles then you can use lemon essential oils as a hand sanitizer. It will instantly kill all the germs. You will be safe against exposure to harmful germs.
Lemon can also help your body detox itself. You can add lemon to your drinking water to remove any form of toxins. This is especially helpful when you are out or travelling and you are unsure if your drinking water is of good quality. 

In addition to all of these, lemons are excellent as mood elevators. You can apply lemon essential oils every night on yourself and you will see that you will start to feel cleaner and fresher. Everything around you will start to seem bright. You can light special candles with lemon essential oils to change the mood of your room too. It will also prevent people from falling sick often and make them more cheerful. 

You can buy Muhuhu essential oil, is also useful for various different skin ailments.
You can also get an essential oils custom blend where you can mix different oils in specific proportions.
 Essential Oil Wizardry  are nature’s way of providing remedies for your problems. You should try using them often.


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