Fight off depression by using essential oils


Although a lot of people tend to ignore depression and mental health, but it is a serious ailment that can cause severe damages in one’s life. People must never ignore their mental health or be ashamed of having depression. There are severe reasons for being depressed ranging from hormonal problems to chemical exposures, medicinal side effects and so on. There are several ways of treating depression, including aromatherapy with essential oils. In this article, you will learn more about this process.

Aromatherapy and essential oils

Essential oils are extremely useful in removing depression with even minimal doses. These oils reduce mental tension by creating a calming sensation in your body and soothes your mood. Aromatherapy is the process used for administering essential oils and altering one’s emotional outlook. Scents and perfumes can have immense effects on a person’s moods. When the smell of the essential oil fills the room, a person’s mood will undergo a transformation almost instantaneously. However, it is also important for us to use essential oils in the right quantity and concentration.

Some of the most popular types of essential oils which are commonly used for relieving depression are:

a)      Relied from high tension and sadness

Basil, Bergamot, Blossom blend, Brain Gem blend, Cedarwood, Chamomile, Roman Clary, Sage, Frankincense, Geranium Grapefruit, Helichrysum Juniper Berry, Lavender Loving Care blend.

b)     Help in curing depression rising from grief and sadness

Marjoram, Orange, Palmarosa, Peppermint, agarwood  

c)      For insomnia and loss of sleep

Quiet Scent blend, Ravensara, Rosemary, sandalwood and rose.

You can easily find several types of essential oils in the market. Of course, the oils may be a little expensive because it is an extremely laborious and intensive work to produce the oils. However, you will also be able to buy them online where the prices are going to be lower than the retail stores.


Essential Oil Wizardry can help cure people of their depression. Aromatherapy is the process that requires essential oils to treat people with depression and other mental diseases. Hopefully, the information mentioned in this article will have helped you.



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