How Can You Use Kava Root Extract?


Kava, also often called kava kava, is a native of the South Pacific islands. Since their residency, the Islanders have been using the plant for ceremonial purposes and as a drink that has stress-relieving properties. It is part of the nightshade family of plants and scientifically named is Piper methysticum. Traditional practices are linked with rituals and social gatherings. But, recently, these tropical evergreen shrubs manifold health concerns. Let’s find the truth -


Is Kava Root Extract safe to use?

In the beginning, Kava root extracts gained acknowledgment owing to their relaxing and stress-reducing properties. But, later cases were found where the concern about safety was raised. The roots of the kava plant contain Kavalactones, which is the active ingredient and are responsible for the beneficial effects rendered by the herb. Kavalactones are about 3 % to 20% of the dry weight of the Kava root. 


Now, these Kavalactones work by affecting neurotransmitters in the brain if you intake without recommendation. Overdose affects gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which in turn decreases the activity of nerves. So, to gain its benefits, the Kava root extract individual needs to keep a check so that it does not become habit-forming.


How is it prepared?

Kava Root Extract is prepared from the roots of these herbal plants, where the first step includes grinding its roots into a paste. Traditionally, the root was chewed, and then the grinding was performed. But, with the popularity of its benefits, the task of manufacturing and grinding sifted to hands. After the paste is made, it is mixed with water and strained. This extract is consumed.


Benefits of Kava Root Extract

Being a herbal product, Kava Root Extract’s has a high demand because it is safe and works as a natural remedy. It is often prescribed to reduce anxiety, protect neurons from getting damaged and also reduce pain sensations. Kava Root Extracts help to treat insomnia, high blood pressure, depression, obesity and diabetes. The daily intake of Kavalactones should not exceed 250 mg for a healthy individual. 



You can consume the extract in the form of tea, capsule or powder. Look for a product that has a standardized percentage of Kavalactones and avoid proprietary blends items. If you want buy online Kava Root Extract contact Essential Oil Wizardry, we offers over 240+ different Organic / Wildcrafted Essential Oils & CO2 Extracts. Over 100+ Wizard Alchemy Blends.


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